Be My Guest

Do you have knowledge, insights, or experiences that could inspire, educate, or entertain others?

Are you a small business owner with a unique story to share?

We are currently seeking dynamic guests like you!

Now is your chance to shine on The Sheila C Hill Show.

Due to an increase in no-shows, we are implementing a $20 non-refundable fee for guests appearing on the show. We value our time and appreciate your understanding of this new policy.

Join us on this incredible show and

imagine the possibilities of reaching millions of individuals who are hungry for knowledge and eager to be inspired by your products or services.

To apply, please send us a brief summary of your background, area of expertise, and the story or topic you would like to discuss on the show.

This is your opportunity to make a lasting impact, inspire personal growth, and leave a powerful impression on our engaged viewers.


  • +1 910 812-8020

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